NADA MIAMI | Booth D104
NEW Edition and Textiles by Tsedaye Makonnen
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We are thrilled to present the triptych The One with a Soul by Tsedaye Makonnen. The screens were printed as unique works on textiles for the Africa & Byzantium groundbreaking exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and later editioned on paper with iridescent inks and a blend of blues, referencing the movement of people across bodies of water and manufactured borders. Each work includes a shared prayer written by three generations.
The Soul Is Set Free ::ነፍስን ነፃ ማውጣት Series by Tsedaye is an exploration of ancestral protection, migration and the universal connections across Black communities around the world. This textile and print series features the artists’ reimagination of sayings as poetic spells of protection and healing. This shared, intergenerational prayer, is interpreted by the artist, her mother, and her eldest son. Inspired by the tradition of dabtaras known as Ethiopian and Eritrean healing or magic scrolls, amulets and talismans; each work embodies layers of Amharic abstractly written by the artist in collaboration with her mother’s corrections of her imperfect translations and her son’s translations into English. These pieces meditate on state-sanctioned violence and the transhistorical forced migration of Black people, as well as reflecting on the power of our collective Black indigenous languages, cultures and spiritualities.
The textile “scarves” in this Series carry their own migratory imprints and serve as protective "wombs." With Amharic translations altered by the artist’s imperfect grasp of the language, each work invites reflection on what is lost and preserved as culture adapts across borders. Through abstracted African designs and Ethiopic script, the artist creates a new unique visual language, layering generational voices and memory into each piece.
The prayer in The Soul Is Set Free :: ነፍስን ነፃ ማውጣት reads as follows:
The one with a soul (still alive) :: ነፍስ አለው
Come back :: ተመልሰዉ
Be careful :: ተጥንቀቅ
Travel in peace :: በሰላም ተጓዝ
Be blessed :: ተባረክ
The soul is set free :: ነፍስን ነፃ ማውጣት