Contract Printing

We have contract printing available to assist artists in the workshop. They may be hired for edition work, as technical advisors on personal projects, or for private instruction. Pricing is project specific. Please contact or 646.416.6226 for more information.

Are you interested in becoming a contract printer for PW/OP?
To submit to be a Printer Without a Press you must have prior collaborative printmaking experience with artists. You must be able to prepare and publish prints as specified with the collaborating artists and EFA RBPMW staff, to the highest standards of quality.

Materials needed to be considered as a candidate for PW/OP
1. Current CV
2. 2 signed testimonials from 2 previous artists you have printed collaborative projects with.
3. 2-3 years of Collaborative printing experience
4. 5 printers proofs from previous collaborative projects

If you meet these requirements, please contact Justin Sanz to schedule an interview and share your portfolio.

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